Development Strategy and Employment

Employment Development Strategy in India


The Mahalanobis strategy of planning was es-

sentially to achieve the objective of self-sustained

long-term growth via investment in the heavy sector.

For "rapid industrialisation and diversification of the

economy", the Mahalanobis strategy considered the

development of "basic industries and industries

which make machines to make machines needed for

further development as the crucial element. This strat-

egy naturally came in conflict with the employment

objective of our plans. For, a fast and self-sustained

economic growth could be ushered in only through

emphasis on capital-intensive production, namely, "by

building of economic and social overheads, explora-

tion and development of minerals and promotion of

basic industries like steel, machine building, coal and

heavy electricals". To solve the conflict between rapid

growth on the one side and immediate increase in

employment opportunities on the other, Mahalanobis

strategy adopted a "policy of encouraging labour-in-

tensive techniques in consumer goods industries even

as the capital-intensive sector of heavy industry was

being expanded rapidly."

What is the wage-goods strategy of development and employment?

The Wage-Goods Strategy of Development and Employment! The industrialisation-led strategy of development explained above neglects the constraint of wage goods availability on employment generation.

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